Credit Cards

Great Move By Amex! Now You Can Refer Friends to Any Amex Card From One Card!

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Written by Charlie

American Express has a made a great move by now allowing Amex referrals from one card to work for all cards! This is a great way to use the cards you have to refer American Express as a whole to a friend or family member and let them pick the card that works best for them – and you get points as well!

Last month, I wrote about how American Express had expanded their referral program to allow you to refer people to other cards in the same family – even if you did not have that specific card. Now, they have become even better with a referral program that crosses over into all their cards! If you have a regular American Express card, get ready to earn a lot of bonus points with systemwide referrals!

American Express Referrals for All Cards

a screenshot of a credit card

Per this Doctor of Credit post from yesterday, American Express will now let you refer friends/family/internet-people to any card from a single Amex card. There are a couple of caveats with this, however.

  • A co-branded card can refer people to any card in that family – even business cards (if your card is personal) or personal (if your card is business)
  • A regular American Express card can refer someone to any Amex card – even co-branded cards

Have a Regular Amex Card? Now Refer Any Card to Anyone!

a screenshot of a credit card

So, if you have a single Amex card, that is not a co-branded card, you will now be able to use that referral program to refer other people to other cards. All they need to do is to click on your referral link and then they would be “inside” the referral portal and any card they select will work with getting you a referral.

To make it even more attractive for people to help out family members/friends and use their offers, check to see what kind of offers the friends get! In the case of the new Amex Gold card, the offer is double for referral recipients over the public/affiliate offer!

Still Bound by Capped Referral Offers

To the referrer – keep in mind that you are still limited to your cap for referrals from the card you are referring from. So, if you only get 50,000 points from referrals in a year, you will hit that cap if people apply for 5 different cards under your referral. It doesn’t mean that you get the cap space for each individual card people sign-up for.

This is definitely a smart move by Amex to encourage customer loyalty and use that loyalty (and desire for more points) to refer more people.

Please do not leave referrals in the comments 

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About the author


Charlie has been an avid traveler and runner for many years. He has run in marathons around the world for less than it would cost to travel to the next town - all as a result of collecting and using miles and points. Over the years, he has flown hundreds of thousands of miles and collected millions of miles and points.
Now he uses this experience and knowledge to help others through Running with Miles.