A little over a week ago, I held a giveaway for people that wanted to see if they could guess the number of steps I would take in a 5 day period for my 6 marathon runs on 6 continents. The rules said it would be “total number I will reveal will be of all my steps throughout the entire trip – that means the marathon runs, airport transits, city walking to start/finish areas, and any other walking I do” so I know it would probably end up being a pretty big number!
Who Won The FitBit Tracker And What Was The Final Steps Count?
To track my steps, I used the same watch I used for my GPS tracking of my runs – the Garmin Fenix 3. I have been using that watch for several months and, checked against other trackers and actually counting steps, I have found it to be really reliable. I had somewhat of an idea of how many steps I would make throughout those 5 days based on how many steps it takes me in training for the marathon distance, but even I was off from the total!
So, what was the final number? 311,581 steps in all. That was about 12,000 more than my best guess so I obviously would not have won this if I was eligible! 🙂
The winner with the closest guess for the number of steps was “VC” with a guess of 309,919 – missing the actual number by only 1,662 steps! Great guess, VC!
Ashley was a close second only missing the actual total by 2,819 steps! Much closer than my guesses!
For those curious, the biggest day was Monday when I ran 26.2 miles in Cairo and 26.2 miles in Abu Dhabi. Those runs, combined with the regular walking, came in for a daily total of just under 100,000 steps.
Thanks to all who entered and for the encouraging words! VC, I will be in touch to get you your FitBit activity tracker so you can count your own steps!
congrats to both of you