Elite Status Hotels

One Great Part Of Hotel Loyalty

hotels do listen
Written by Charlie

Hotel loyalty programs can be great but this one part of hotel loyalty can often be even more special.

There has been a lot of talk about loyalty lately with changes that have been made to various programs. Some people take the issue of corporate loyalty from businesses a bit personally which can be quite interesting –  interesting for a reason that will wait until another post!

One Great Part of Hotel Loyalty

hotel loyalty

Enjoying individual hotel loyalty

But, there are times that loyalty programs really come through and provide exceptional value for the customer. Some of those times, it actually does not have anything to do with the corporation and the loyalty program at all!

This is what has happened with me. Though I matched to Hilton Diamond last year (and booked some nights with them because of it), I am primarily loyal to Hyatt. If there is a Hyatt where I am going, I have a very hard time not staying at it. I like the perks of my Hyatt Diamond status – like the free breakfast and nice room upgrades.

Individual Hotel Loyalty

Recently, I was checking in to the Hyatt that I frequent the most. It probably makes up half of my elite qualifying stays in a year. As a result, I have had the privilege of meeting many of the staff and getting to know some of them. I guess you could say that I am pretty loyal to this particular hotel.

Well, as usual, the front desk staff addressed me by name when I walked in and as I was checking in, the hotel manager came out to meet me. He said he had heard that I had just come in and he wanted to make sure he finally met me and gave me his card if there was anything he could do.

Moving From Business Relationship To A Friendly Relationship

The restaurant staff always loves interacting with my children and always ask after them if they are not with me at the time (they even went above and beyond for my daughter’s birthday). The front desk staff know my preferences and always do their best to make sure they can do whatever they can.

In fact, as a result of my loyalty to the hotel, they have showed such loyalty to me as a customer that our relationships have moved beyond the simple customer/company relationship and I always enjoy each interaction with every member of the staff.


Sure, there is something that can be said for the times that loyalty programs fail the customer. But, the hotel loyalty that I have received at this particular property makes visiting that hotel a joy and makes me feel thankful that I have been able to stay there as often as I have. Individual hotel loyalty is not dead even if there are changes on a corporate level that might make customers unhappy!

Do you have a good loyalty relationship with any particular hotel? 

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About the author


Charlie has been an avid traveler and runner for many years. He has run in marathons around the world for less than it would cost to travel to the next town - all as a result of collecting and using miles and points. Over the years, he has flown hundreds of thousands of miles and collected millions of miles and points.
Now he uses this experience and knowledge to help others through Running with Miles.


  • Big deal, must be a quiet day for any travel news if this narcissism
    Is as good as it gets. Big deal, a hotel recognizes you, it’s their bloody job mate, get a grip, they don’t give a toss about you, it’s your wallet and its Hyatt LOL. Americans fall for this garbage so easily

    • Glad that every hotel you visit recognizes you and tries to make you feel at home. That does not happen to me at every property and there has been a lot of negativity about loyalty programs. I thought it would be a good idea to point out that loyalty, where it can count, can be great at a property level. Thanks for stopping by.

  • @ Robbo — Jeez…I like the post and couldn’t disagree with you more.

    @ Charlie — My partner and I frequent about five hotels (four ICs and one Hyatt) that fall into this category. In fact, we have a stay starting tomorrow during a very busy time at a very nice IC, and a quick email to the GM today secured us an upgrade from a 425 sq. ft room to 1100 sq ft. suite!

  • Every well run hotel treats regular guests like this. Unfortunately not every hotel is well run.