Credit Cards The Basics

One of the Things I Love About Having a Miles & Points Blog

grocery store
Written by Charlie

There are a lot of great things about having a miles & points blog but this is certainly one of the things I love the most!


I know, many people are going to first say “money!” 🙂 Well, that might be true for some of the bigger blogs but this one does not bring in that much money so, no, that was not it!

What I Love About Having a Miles & Points Blog

But, I do love how people in this hobby of collecting and burning miles and points do feed into a community aspect in many ways. Sure, there are people that can be rude or selfish in different ways they handle their interactions with others but there are others that are genuinely interested in helping others and that does perpetuate through as people continue to help others.

I first got into miles and points when I realized what they could do to help me and others travel for very little money and I loved it! At the time, I didn’t know anyone that did this kind of thing in my sphere of friends/co-workers so I turned to the internet and found Flyertalk. It was amazing how helpful people were in answering some of my most basic questions as I learned to navigate miles and points, and even some basic elite questions as well.

Readers Helping Readers

35K SPG points

Readers helping other readers with referral points!

When there are opportunities to open up some of my posts’ comment sections to allow for reader affiliate links, I am always glad to see the amount of people that take advantage of leaving the links and then to read the comments/emails from those other readers that use those links! If you think those posts and links do not get used, you would be wrong! Many of the posts that offer reader affiliate links are often the first or second search listing on Google for referral links and there are many that come to those pages through Google searches.

I often hear from readers saying how excited they were to get their accounts pumped up with referral bonuses and that really does make me happy! I am always appreciative of readers using my links and so it makes me happy to know that other readers help readers as well by using their links.

Yes, I do have indirect credit card links available on my site that pay me a commission and do appreciate it when readers use those! But, I also enjoy letting readers help other readers with their own referral links. Knowing that this community continues to help others and that people are able to continue traveling with points earned from helpful readers is a great thing and I am happy, as a blog owner, that some of that happens here!

Going forward, I will try to make things a little easier with how I offer this so it is easier to locate and that more people are able to be helped. I am checking on this and will hopefully have an answer to this! In the meantime, I do rotate readers’ links through the link in the post at times so hopefully those randomly chosen readers are seeing point increases! 🙂

Some of the links on Running with Miles are affiliate links that pay a commission if a purchase is made. Running with Miles is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

About the author


Charlie has been an avid traveler and runner for many years. He has run in marathons around the world for less than it would cost to travel to the next town - all as a result of collecting and using miles and points. Over the years, he has flown hundreds of thousands of miles and collected millions of miles and points.
Now he uses this experience and knowledge to help others through Running with Miles.


  • Thanks Charlie very cool of you to allow this. Really does help create a community feel to your site.

  • “In the meantime, I do rotate readers’ links through the link in the post at times so hopefully those randomly chosen readers are seeing point increases! ”

    I LOVE that.