This past weekend, I held a little Kindle giveaway to “remember” the Skymall catalog that so many airline travelers are familiar with. While most of us probably never actually purchased anything from the catalog, the catalog did give us many minutes of distraction while waiting for the all-clear ding for our electronics to go back on. However, that was the old days – now that we can use electronics from gate-to-gate, many of us ignore the Skymall catalog. To honor the move from Skymall catalog to portable electronic devices, I decided to give away another Kindle!
I really enjoyed reading through your responses and seeing some of the thoughts and items from the Skymall catalog. Many made me laugh as they reminded me of items I had forgotten – seriously, those swords were something else but not exactly something that I would think about buying while sitting aboard an aircraft!
MY Favorite Skymall Item
But, my favorite Skymall item and the only one that I actually came very close to purchasing was the AquaBells – the barbells for travelers. The concept looked cool – fill the barbells with water to achieve the desired weight when reaching your destination – but I never pulled the trigger. I am not sure if it just looked like something I may have considered too gimicky or what. They did look like a cool idea, however!
For those of you who missed out on your favorite items from Skymall, those items are still available on their website! is still up and running (for now) so this may be your chance to get a final glimpse of the items you passed on!
Winner of the Kindle
BUT, enough of that and down to the winner of the Kindle! randomly selected:
Congrats, Elijah! I will be in touch with you today to get this out to you!
Thanks to everyone for sharing in the giveaway!
Awesome! Thx, and looking forward to hearing from you!