With much of the world starting to phase in various forms of travel and business re-openings, it can be a confusing thing to know which countries you can expect will let you in. That is where this great tool comes in to help you know at a quick check! This is what the airlines use to check if you are allowed to travel to your destination as well so you will know what they know!
Travel Tool to Show You Where You Are Allowed to Go
Link: Travel Tool from Timatic
When you step up to the airline counter with your passport in hand, the agent behind the counter runs your passport information through the computer to make sure you are allowed to go to your final destination. Transporting a passenger that does not have the proper documents to enter a country means big fines for the airlines so they need to know for sure if you can go!
Now, this tool is in a nice graphic interface to give you that same information and let you know if you have the green light to enter certain countries. Keep in mind that the rules on entry into countries can and does change quickly so use this tool as a resource and not the end all since things can change!
The map gives you various color shades to let you know how locked down a certain country is. Once you click on the country (nice chance to practice your geography skills!), you will be met with a pop-up that lets you know what the rules are for entry.
While you could access this tool before (like here is the link to get it through United, here is the link for Delta, and here is the link for American Airlines), it wasn’t in as nice of a layout or setup as it is now. If you have a different nationality passport you will be using or have a residence permit, you may want to use one of the links above to see if you will for sure be all set.

Here is the “All-Clear” page if you have the correct documents!
Bottom Line
While most people are not about to start traveling yet, countries are starting to open up. If you want to know which countries you can get into from your origination and with your passport, this great travel tool will show you what you need to know.
Again, do not rely only on this tool but use it as a resource to figure out which countries are “open” to you! Things change fast so after you identify a country, check with your own country’s embassy in that country or with that country’s foreign affairs ministry to know if you can go!