Have you ever wondered how it is for sport stars to travel aboard US domestic airplanes? When teams travel, many of them have arrangements with carriers like Delta to use their planes to move the team. They are the same planes that we travel on which means that you have NBA centers flying on them. Not sure how the pecking order goes for first class seats but I would hope the big guys get those seats! How about NFL linemen? Can’t see them in regular economy!
As a project between Teague and Nike, they have designed a concept for a plane that is developed with the athlete in mind. The onboard layout sure looks to put first class aboard international carriers to shame! Of course, right now it is only a concept. But, some of these sport teams have enough money that I would imagine they would look into something like this in the future to ensure that their teams have that extra edge when they arrive for road games.
Not sure how I missed this story as it was all over a few months ago but I recently spotted this over at Runner’s World.
The Athlete’s Plane
This concept is incredible! It allows for the wearing of smart gear that will allow athletes to immediately see what their post-game biometrics look like when they board the airplane. Not only that, but there is a self-serve nutrition bar onboard that allows athletes to take advantage of their specialized meal plan.
The onboard sleeping suites were designed to accommodate the 7 foot tall center as well as allowing the athlete to take advantage of ice and compression gear that plugs directly into the system. Furthermore, they can also use the suites to independently raise each leg for relief!

The suite that allows for a host of advanced electronics to track and aid athlete recovery – from Teague
There are also massage centers and lounges onboard to allow for any type of activity that would suit the traveling athlete.
It is a pretty cool concept! Whether it comes into play at some point will depend on the team/teams that decide they want that traveling edge. Even when that day comes, I doubt we can use miles and points – or even cash – to get aboard one of these planes. The nice part is that the traveling runner still has access to some incredible first class seats around the world with the help of miles!
Check out Teague’s website for more information and photos.