I wrote about this Flying Blue program last year, but enough races have changed that I thought it was due for another post.
Flying Blue Running
Flying Blue is the frequent flyer program of Air France and KLM. Flying Blue Running is a special program to help runners pay for marathon packages with their miles. Along with the entry to the race, some of the races offer a VIP package that gives you snacks and a massage. The cost in points varies according to race and you will have to determine if it is a good value or not. If you have an abundance of Flying Blue points, this could be a good way to use them. These points can be transferred from Membership Rewards (American Express points). I transferred quite a few points last year with both 25% and 35% point transfer bonuses, so be on the lookout for the bonuses! Some people may find it a poor value for your Membership Reward points, but with the rising cost of marathons, you may find some of them to offer a fairly good value.
[table “” not found /]In addition to the race entry fee options, Flying Blue Running also offers marathon packages. These packages do not include registration, but they do include airfare and hotel registration. These also seem to provide some pretty decent value for the points.
- Vienna Marathon 2014 – April 13, 2014 – 111,000 Miles
- Prague Marathon 2014 – May 11, 2014 – 105,000 Miles
- Berlin Marathon 2014 – September 28, 2014 – 149,000 Miles
If you have some Air France/KLM miles or Membership Reward points that you would like to burn on races, this is a great way to use miles to pay for miles.
I have never heard of this option before. Might make it worthwhile to start collecting flying blue miles. Not the best redemption, no doubt there, but it would save the out of pocket spending.
Absolutely! Especially with how high some race fees are getting. In some cases, I have found races to cost more than the travel to get to them! How are things looking for the Wildwood Half? Just tell your husband how beautiful it looks and what a nice vacation spot it will be!
This is Delta level redemption!
I’m sorry, but this has to be the most useless blog yet. Mileage deals for marathon runners?? C’mon
I’m sorry you feel that way, but I do appreciate you taking the time to stop by.
@Tyler … Do you spend your days surfing websites that don’t match your exact taste then post comments to say how useless they are? If so, you must be a busy child/man. The site may not interest you, but as a runner and points collector, it does interest me, and the many other site commentors and visitors. I also enjoy Charles’ posts on places and events he has been to that i haven’t.
Despite your lack of interest in the site topic, i’m delighted to inform you that you nonetheless are the current holder of the prestigious “Most Boneheaded Comment at Running With Miles” award. Nice one dude.