As of today, you can now book flights with this JetBlue extension for flights through September 8, 2020. This represents an extension of about 8 weeks from the previous date available.
New JetBlue Schedule Extension
Link: JetBlue
Unlike other airlines around the world, Southwest and JetBlue releases their schedules for flight bookings in blocks of time instead of a rolling schedule. That means that every couple/few months, the date that you can book up to is pushed out a little more. When this happens, it can be a great time to lock in the flights that you need for that new period – especially when it involves holiday travel.
The new JetBlue schedule extension is here now and bookable all the way through September 8, 2020. That is a good chunk of additional calendar space, making it 304 days of JetBlue flights you can now book. I believe this is one of the longest extensions that JetBlue has ever done.
This moves it past the old June date and is a good one to let you get a jump start on booking some summer travel. Depending on school schedules, this could be a nice time to sneak in an early trip at the end!
So, get booking! I always enjoy flying JetBlue from the great treatment onboard as well as the comfortable seats and live TV entertainment. I know I am not alone in that!
Featured image Courtesy Shutterstock / Chris Parypa Photography