Think about this – for less than a cup of coffee at some Starbucks, you can fly from one country to another with Ryanair. That is kind of crazy and if traveling light and not selecting a seat are ok with you, you may want to move on these deals quickly!
Cyber Monday Deal with Ryanair from $5
Link: Ryanair Cyber Monday Deals

An example with Dublin as our departure city – check out all the cities on sale for just $5!
Once you click that link above, you will see the airports from the country you select. So, you may need to take advantage of Chrome’s auto translate feature if you want to see prices from someplace like Italy (and you don’t speak Italian!). But, basically, it works out like this – from airports around Europe, you can fly to other European airports (not always the major ones either, which can have its own pros and cons) from just $5.
Remember, with Ryanair, you will be paying for everything – even a bottle of water onboard. But, with the right preparation and approach, you can sling your backpack over your shoulder and be flying to a city hundreds or thousands of kilometers away for just $5 or $6! Not bad!
This deal ends tonight and will be replaced by a new one and it is for travel from December through January, 2020. Not a huge span of time but if you are going to be in Europe anyway, it is certainly a great way to pop from Dublin to Milan for some true Italian dinner feast before continuing your holiday in Ireland!

Just to give food for thought – pop from Manchester down to Lisbon for just $7!