With China observing strict quarantine protocols for people entering their country, companies like Apple have not sent employees to China in a while. However, Apple wants to start having employees travel to China but are doing it on a purely volunteer basis (as far as the intent to go). In exchange, they will pay those employees at least $21,000 extra to do this!
Apple Paying Employees $21,000 Extra to Go to China
Apple will pay any employees who choose to go to China a $500 bonus per day to do so. Due to the quarantine requirement of two weeks, Apple is requiring these trips to be at least 6 weeks in length which means these employees would be paid at least $21,000 in bonus money for heading to China.
But, unlike many other places that have quarantine protocols, China has a very strict enforcement method. They have quarantine hotels that they have visitors go to. According to the reports, Apple is negotiating with the Chinese government on these hotels so maybe Apple employees will slightly better than the budget offerings normally reserved for quarantine hotels.
Quarantine for Two Weeks
During those two mandatory quarantine weeks, travelers are not allowed to leave their hotel for any reason. This is something that the Chinese nationals are very used to as they entered strict lockouts at the beginning of the coronavirus situation (this man ran an ultra marathon in his apartment during this time!). But, many Americans traveling to China may not be as used to this type of quarantine, so that would explain the extra bonus.
These employees on the ground have been essential to Apple in the past for checking on the building of Apple devices and working with the management at the various factories doing the building and assemblies.
I did have a pilot friend tell me that apparently if you have ever tested positive for coronavirus, going to China means a mandatory quarantine up to 4 weeks! So, this would be something that likely would preclude Apple employees from going, if they have had the virus (even though it would appear that they would not be able to catch it again, at least for a little bit).
So, how does a few thousand extra sound to sit in a hotel room for 2 weeks? 🙂 How about the fact that your food will be catered by China Eastern Airlines? 🙂
HT: 9to5Mac
Do note these people probably already earn in the $300k+ ranges, and this amount isn’t as great deal as for 95% of the US.
Meanwhile, Chinese companies cannot get any employees to come the this gong show we call america due to our ongoing outbreak.
And that is why they can get the coronavirus is under control.
They have no problem imposing draconian (by US standards) controls.
In exchange, outbreaks (if any) are quickly contained.
[…] Apple Will Pay Employees $21,000 EXTRA to Go to China Now by Running With Miles. […]
I’ll go